At home medical transcription seems very appealing to a number of people. Getting to stay home with your kids is just one advantage. Some people who choose to do at home medical transcription do not even have children. They just like the fact that they are their own boss and no longer have to remain a slave to the clock.
Whatever your reasons are for wanting to do at home medical transcription, they are definitely going to be worth it in the end. Working from home is not as easy as you might think, however. You have to be able to actually get up and do the work if you want to have success with your medical transcription career. Setting your own schedule is usually the best way to go.
Before you start planning your day, you will need to make sure you get the proper education. The majority of at home medical transcription employers will not hire people who do not have the proper certification, experience, and/or training. But once you have obtained the proper training, you should have no difficulties finding employment.
On average, a basic at home medical transcription course takes approximately two years to complete. While you are in the process of learning everything there is to know, you will be working on improving your typing skills, grammar and punctuation, listening to dictation, and best of all, transcribing medical reports.
Initially, at home medical transcription seems like the ultimate dream job, and it is for many individuals. But it takes time and patience before you can become an expert at what you do. There will be deadlines to meet and work to be done once all of your training is complete. You will most likely be working with physicians with various accents from Australian to Indian.
Some physicians will not speak as quickly as others, and some will seem almost impossible to understand. You may find yourself rewinding the dictation a hundred times before you are actually able to understand what they are saying. When this happens, do not get discouraged. You are going to be in the process of developing your ear for quite some time during training as well as the first year or so after you begin work. Doing at home medical transcription will eventually be worth all of the time it takes to get the hang of it.
The median salary for someone who does at home medical transcription is around $45K. Medical transcription has also been one of the proven top paying at home careers. Some people who are a bit more experienced are making anywhere from $45K to $100K per year. It all comes down to what you are willing to put into it.
More than anything else, at home medical transcription should be something you can see yourself doing. If you are not someone who likes to spend hours sitting in front of a computer, then at home medical transcription may not be for you. Like all other careers, medical transcription also has a downside. Seclusion and difficulty staying focused at home are just some of the disadvantages. The good thing is that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages and that is what makes this career such a smart choice.
Whatever your reasons are for wanting to do at home medical transcription, they are definitely going to be worth it in the end. Working from home is not as easy as you might think, however. You have to be able to actually get up and do the work if you want to have success with your medical transcription career. Setting your own schedule is usually the best way to go.
Before you start planning your day, you will need to make sure you get the proper education. The majority of at home medical transcription employers will not hire people who do not have the proper certification, experience, and/or training. But once you have obtained the proper training, you should have no difficulties finding employment.
On average, a basic at home medical transcription course takes approximately two years to complete. While you are in the process of learning everything there is to know, you will be working on improving your typing skills, grammar and punctuation, listening to dictation, and best of all, transcribing medical reports.
Initially, at home medical transcription seems like the ultimate dream job, and it is for many individuals. But it takes time and patience before you can become an expert at what you do. There will be deadlines to meet and work to be done once all of your training is complete. You will most likely be working with physicians with various accents from Australian to Indian.
Some physicians will not speak as quickly as others, and some will seem almost impossible to understand. You may find yourself rewinding the dictation a hundred times before you are actually able to understand what they are saying. When this happens, do not get discouraged. You are going to be in the process of developing your ear for quite some time during training as well as the first year or so after you begin work. Doing at home medical transcription will eventually be worth all of the time it takes to get the hang of it.
The median salary for someone who does at home medical transcription is around $45K. Medical transcription has also been one of the proven top paying at home careers. Some people who are a bit more experienced are making anywhere from $45K to $100K per year. It all comes down to what you are willing to put into it.
More than anything else, at home medical transcription should be something you can see yourself doing. If you are not someone who likes to spend hours sitting in front of a computer, then at home medical transcription may not be for you. Like all other careers, medical transcription also has a downside. Seclusion and difficulty staying focused at home are just some of the disadvantages. The good thing is that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages and that is what makes this career such a smart choice.
About the Author:
Author Author Susan B. Eliot is an authority in the field of medical transcription. She is the authority when it comes to finding medical transcription jobs. She owns and operates her own medical transcription business and knows first hand all the details about at home medical transcription.
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