Make Cash is not only for Blondes...everyone likes a little spare change in their pocket. Make Cash for Blondes will provide ideas and tips for making money online or in your own backyard.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
3 Ways to Make Money from Home
Your personal interests, life and work experiences and education add up to real expertise in a number of subjects. Do you tinker with cars? Read Shakespeare for fun? Beat your buddies at chess? Lecture your friends about proper diet, or Web design, or Star Wars collectibles?
Then you're an expert, and there's a place online that can help you turn that avocation into hard cash.
More from
• Ten Annoying Tips for the Unemployed
• Think Like a Beginner to Become an Expert
• Shrinking Your Way to Growth
There are at least three types of Web-based businesses that can help you earn cash in your spare time -- and a fourth type you shouldn't go near.
All three of the legit types supply the online base, the software and the marketing muscle you need to get started. You supply the expert "content," to use the hideous neo-media word for what we call "facts" in plain English.
This is not the get-rich-quick scheme you may have been looking for. The people who make real money through any of these schemes are working hard for it, really know their subjects and are good at communicating.
The money they earn is based on hard numbers. Page views and user ratings are modern equivalents to piece-work counts in a factory.
But if you can't find a full-time job, can't work regular hours or outside your home, or want to moonlight to supplement the 9 to 5 grind, one of these might be for you. For more strategies on how to moonlight, see Ten Ways to Moonlight.
A look at some of these online businesses suggests they are being used by young and out-of-work professionals to build up their resumes and hone their skills until the economy recovers. And, of course, many managers are using the services to get the job done until they can afford to add headcount.
All the sites claim to conduct a vetting process for contributors, and quality control over contributions, but their criteria are positively loosey-goosey compared to the personnel departments of a major corporation.
After all, their system of paying based on actual usage and client ratings ensures that only really good contributors get paid, and bad ones sink into the unplumbed depths of the database.
1. The Open Network
An open network offers a ready-built home for freelance writers to post articles on an infinite variety of useful or interesting subjects.
Associated Content, one of the largest and best known freelance networks, syndicates and custom-creates Editorial content, in text, video, image and audio forms.
It claims to be adding 5,000 articles a week to a database of more than 1 million articles on a vast range of subjects -- from curious facts about Abraham Lincoln to tips on easing your dog's separation anxiety.
That database was built by freelancers, who are paid a measly $3 to $15 per story but make an additional small sum based on user clicks, starting at $1.50 for every 1,000 page views. You can get a raise on that rate for page views as your output and audience grow.
The key to racking up page views is to write about something that interests everybody, like love or money. Or, write about a subject that interests many people intensely -- like parenting or World War II.
2. Answers On Demand
On-demand services connect people with an immediate need for information with experts who can supply that information. It's a one-on-one service, conducted over chat or via email for a fee. boasts 30,000 experts who are "ready to chat" on subjects from personal growth to small business solutions.
Some experts are lurking online, ready to jump in to answer your question, and others can be scheduled ahead for a one-on-one. The fee is set by the expert, anywhere from 50 cents to $5 per minute, about 45 percent of which goes to LivePerson.
Advice about "personal relationships" is clearly a money-maker here, although you can find a Web designer, a homework coach or a cosmetologist when you want one.
The vetting process includes licenses for professions that require them, like doctors and lawyers. All experts' resumes are available to prospective clients.
But once online, the experts live or die by client ratings which are, in the great tradition of the Internet, brutally honest. And in this world of pay-per-minute, the reviews cover typing speed as well as communication skills. has an even simpler system. Got a problem? Just describe it, and indicate how much you're willing to pay for an answer. One of the experts will get back to you fast.
Experts run the gamut from veterinarians and attorneys to mechanics and computer repair people.
A quick glance through current questions reveals that many people are baffled by their electronic equipment, their cars and their puppies. Also, many students want somebody to write their term papers for them.
A new site out of Nashville, called Moontoast, wants to carry the concept to the next step and arrange actual face-to-face video and audio confrontations between expert and client. (Scary!)
Expected to launch soon, the site is bankrolled by country music stars and inspired by a musician's need to hear information, not just read it.
3. Crowd-Sourcing
This is the ultimate piece-work for the digital age.
"Crowd-sourcing" takes a big, ugly, often repetitive task and hacks it into small bits to be assigned to many people.
Say you are publishing a restaurant reservation directory, and every phone number has to be checked. How do you get it done? Try "crowd-sourcing" it., owned by Amazon, currently has almost 700 projects up for grabs, each divided into hundreds or thousands of "human intelligence tasks." Each task pays literally pennies -- from 1 cent to maybe 20 cents.
A lab needs information on 98 Web sites, for 10 cents a pop. Somebody is collecting data on 50 baseball players, for 9 cents each. Zappos wants people to edit product reviews for a nickel each. You might even see positions for big-time names like Google or Yahoo.
You grab a task, complete it and submit it for approval. As soon as it's approved, your payment gets transferred from the requester's Amazon Payments account to yours.
If you can stand it, you could sit at your computer all day banging these things out.
An experienced professional could get very bitter writing abstracts of technology news for a nickel each. But an under-employed college grad might greatly prefer it to flipping burgers, and it looks better on a resume.
More rarefied versions of crowd-sourcing are available at specialized freelance sites. offers designers the chance to submit their work in online "contests" for posted projects. The odd jobs, most paying a couple of hundred dollars, come in from around the world, from small businesses and individuals who need logos or fliers, banner ads and posters.
Crowd-sourcing hits its low point in sites that pay people to "play around on the Internet." Put bluntly, they're falsifying usage data by goosing the number of unique hits on Web sites or banner ads.
CAUTION: The Age-Old Scam
Old scams never die. They just move onto the Internet.
If an ad promises you can make $50,000 a week clicking on Web sites, they're lying.
If a company wants you to pay upfront for a kit, or a book, or anything else, don't do it.
There are plenty of legitimate businesses in this game, and they make their money by helping you make money.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Beginners Guide to Beekeeping for Business or Hobby for Backyard Buckamoos
1. Choosing suitable bees is a critical point for your project. You have to conduct thorough research on the different type of bees and the right type of bees good for your area. The easy way to do this is to ask the other beekeepers in your area. These beekeepers can tell you through their experience which type is right for you.
2. You put your bees in the hive and honey is formed there as well. Choosing the hive depends on the type of bees, the area you live, the amount of time you are willing to invest and the money you are willing to spend.
Generally bee hives are made from two types of wood like cedar wood and pine wood; they both have a distinct some smell, especially cedar wood which has an impact on the honey aroma. To choose the hive type depends on your knowledge on how to raise honeybees, when starting out on beekeeping you may choose a hive that needs less maintenance even if it will cost them more.
3. The location of your hive is very important; it should be in an open area but away from strong air drafts. You should also have near by green fields or an open area in your backyard, so bees get their nector. If plantations are located between the hives then you must make sure that the plant insecticides used in the area will not harm your bees.
About the Author:
Beekeeping takes some work, but you'll get so much out of it. Here are just 4 ways you'll benefit from beekeeping!
![]() | Getting that exercise! For many people, it's hard to find a reason to go out and exercise. In beekeeping, you'll find a great way to get outside, get moving, and get some fresh air! (But don't worry... your workout won't be too strenuous) |
![]() | Learning about nature. Yes, yes, I know - I said the word "LEARN" - but don't worry. Beekeeping isn't the same as reading a dry school textbook. That's the beauty of it! You can immerse yourself in nature, learning more about it, while still having lots of fun! |
![]() | Using your time in a constructive way. Think of how many hours everyone wastes on basically pointless activities, just to use up their time - watching TV shows, playing video games, surfing the internet, to mention a few. What if there was a way to use your time more constructively? Beekeeping is a perfect way to do that! |
![]() | Let's not forget the honey! Just imagine what it will feel like bringing in that first harvest of honey. Taking your first taste of that fresh honey... giving away jars of "home-made" honey away to friends and family... It's such a rewarding feeling! |
Friday, September 18, 2009
Online Real Estate Marketing The Easy Way
You may not realize just how much people are utilizing the internet. More people today are looking at and buying homes over the internet. This is where you should be able to get into the action and profit! You simply need to sit down and conduct some research on online real estate marketing. From there you can get started with a website!
Anyone looking to succeed in this business needs to have the right website laid out and ready to go. This is what your clients are going to see before they even meet you. Make sure that you create a site that is designed so the client can get whatever they need. A contact page needs to be included when the client has nay questions or wants to get the process started!
Once you have your site created you can then use the right technique to get your keywords. If you have the proper keywords you will be able to get on the search pages that people first see. Your site will earn a lot of traffic and your online real estate site will simply flourish!
Make sure that you have are keeping your clients updated at all times. This could be through email lists or through newsletter. If you can plan out your own newsletter then you will be able to set yourself above the rest in the online real estate marketing world. Ensure that you have all of the proper information that your clients will need.
Another great online real estate marketing tool is videos. Google now offers a program that allows people to post video ads on their sites in order to earn some extra cash. For realtors you can add these videos to your site and watch the traffic flow right in!
In order to make a living with real estate, you need to make sure that you have the right online real estate marketing tools. There are plenty of tools that you can take advantage of. Make sure that you take a look around and see what you can find in order to make your site a whole lot better!
About the Author:
So Simple, Even A Rookie Agent Can Do It! Download more information; CLICK HERE

Thursday, September 17, 2009
Learn How to Make Money with Backyard Buckamoos

Let’s make some money by getting your hands dirty with BACKYARD CASH CROPS, which can be either a full or part-time job. The way to make money is to find a special hard to find product and not your run of the mill tomato or pepper crop. Learn how to run a road side stand selling common and specialized products.
I know you are thinking a lot of backbreaking work...well yes there is some work that is required but there are techniques you can use to reduce the amount of labor that is required once your garden is established. First you need to decide how large and where you want your garden and then you can decide which crops you want to market for money. The potential that you can earn depends on your crop selection, quality and quantity of crop and how you are going to market your business.
Which are the best cash crops for a backyard garden? If you have less than 1 acre focus on crops such as asparagus, strawberries, raspberries, herbs and other similar crops that can produce large amounts in small spaces. Be sure to research what type of soil is best for each crop. Natural or organic fertilizers are great to improve your soil. Another great way to improve your soil is by composting. Composting turns leaves, grass clipping, food scraps and other organic material into rich soil. There are soil testing kits available to help you determine what crops will grow best in your type of soil.
Specialized fruits to grow in your garden are kiwi, guavas, and Chinese dates. But, for most people just starting in the "cash crop" business, the four small fruits recommended are; raspberries, strawberries, blueberries and grapes are the most cost effective.
Herb Gardens Are in Fashion Again. Be the Envy of Your Neighbors and Friends With a Garden Like This!
Discover the Secret Ingredients to Create Your Masterpiece in 7 Days. Download more information here
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
How to Make Money

B. Dog Trainer; if you ever had a dog you know what it takes to train them with the standard commands; sit, heel or stay let alone to have them housebroken. Find out what local dog training businesses are charging for dog training and offer less. Set up a dog obstacle course and teach dog tricks for an added bonus. At the end of your course have a pet show to show off the tricks you taught. Invite others to join the show and send out invitations. You could charge a small admission fee or sell food and beverages. Give out awards for best of show or best trick. This is also a good way to get potential clients in the future. Word of mouth is a great way to advertise.
C. Dog Walker; if you have a job, but want to make a little extra on the side and you don’t mind the hours. You can walk dogs as early as 5am and then again after work.
D. Pet Groomer; another business you can do in your backyard, the customers home or as a mobile pet grooming center out of a van or SUV. This is another job you might need to read up on as your customers might feel better with someone experienced. You could also sell pet grooming products on the side.
E. Sell Pet Products; help people eliminate fleas and ticks naturally without the harsh or poisonous products that are on the market today. See my article on Hartz Pet Products. You can also sell collars, leashes, cat and dog toys. If you sew you can make your own toys (cat toys with catnip), pet beds, cat trees or make your own special line of pet clothes. Remember small dogs need extra protection when walking them in the winter.
F. Pet Goodie Parties; like Tupperware or candle parties, make up Pet Goodie Baskets of pet supplies or offer personalized pet products.
G. Pet Food Delivery Service; people who live alone or elderly people with pets could use a pet delivery service.
A. Teach Swimming Lessons
B. Teach Scuba Lessons
C. Teach CPR Classes
With Time and These Tips You Can Reduce Your Credit Card Debt
Thanks, Tim
Credit card offers are sent in the post or e-mail each and each day. If you find one make sure that you toss it in the rubbish. This is going to be your initial step to getting out of that card debt. Simply do not get anymore mastercards and start focusing on the ones that you have.
You must know how much you owe to varied credit card corporations. Ensure that you sit down and grab a calculator. You can spend the evening with a bottle of wine and a pile of card bills. Get the balance of each and the minimum payment. This may give you a better idea of the quantity of debt that you actually have.
Ensure that you do not use your visa cards any longer. Those that decide to pay their bills every month and max out their cards each month are not getting anywhere with their debt. Put the cards up in the closet in a box and forget them. When you go to the store you must simply use money. This way you can't have the temptation of buying something you obviously cannot afford.
When each bills comes for a card pay the minimum payment every month. Paying these payments on time is important. If you don't you will be subject to late penalties and finance charges. When time goes by the payment will lower along with the balance, but ensure you don't make any changes in the amount that you pay each month.
When you have finally paid off a card, take the standard payment for that one and add that to the following card. This can help you build speed and pay off your mastercards a whole lot faster. Just go down the list of cards that you have and before you know it you'll ultimately have no credit card debt at all!
If you have too much debt or you do not know where to start, look at your savings. Sometimes it may be better to tap into your savings to repay some debt. If you don't have anymore savings then check with debt consolidation. There are lots of services that may work with your debt and get you down to something that you can pay for each month.
Right now's the best time to pay down or at least reduce credit card debt. Before you get too far into the hole of debt, make sure you start making your payments. The debt will follow and haunt you for years so do not let it go!
About the Author:
More Information about debt reduction click here
![]() | That's why I decided to put this course together (by the way it's called the Ultimate Debt Guide). To help you navigate through the maze of options at your disposal and to help you with the actions you should be taking, according to your own individual circumstances. Going through this course just once will take you to "expert" status overnight. So... |
- You'll be able to honestly assess your current financial situation and take the necessary action to get yourself out of it as soon as possible.
- You'll understand the different options you have available without the pressure of having to commit to a solution right now.
- You'll learn the consequences of each decision and how it will positively or negatively affect the next few years of your life, personally and financially...
- And lastly, you'll have at your fingertips more knowledge about the bankruptcy and debt relief process than 90% of the lawyers in the U.S. today.
Monday, September 14, 2009
What is Affiliate Marketing and How Does Affiliate Marketing Work
When you place a link to somewhere in the world wide web and someone clicks on your link to go to and ultimately purchases something, Amazon will give you a percentage of the sales made (in this example, Amazon usually gives someone between 3%-5% of the sales).
This works well for both parties. Amazon wins a customer and you receive referral commission in exchange. But how does Amazon know that you made the referral? Simple! They design a special web address (link), which has your affiliate details embedded in the URL.
Simple, huh? Many programs make it sound as simple as filling out a few Google Adwords advertisements. It is really not that simple, but making money this way is still very achievable! This is how I make a majority of my money. Some affiliate programs have no cookies. Most are about a month. And some last for a year or even longer! So, all you have to do is get people to click your links that ultimately result in a purchase on the landing page website.
This is why I originally got into this business and why I continue to do these ventures today. So what makes affiliate marketing so great? Simple! You have no products, little customer interaction and require minimal attention once you get things going.Plus, no product means no initial overhead product costs. Any money that is usually spent on affiliate marketing comes from PPCs (Pay-Per-Clicks, like Google Adwords or Yahoo Overture).
What are the drawbacks? Well, one (which may actually be a benefit) is lack of control over HOW the product you are promoting is being sold. As an affiliate marketer, you are relying on the product to make the final sale, which is out of your control. At the beginning, that will run you between $5-$10 per day. As sales increase, bidding increases and so do these costs (and your earnings!).
Many people (like I myself) do not have a masters or degree in marketing nor the time to learn it. Most products you promote probably have more qualified people than you or I to actually sell the final product. Well keep that in your mind when selecting products: Professional websites are important. As your affiliate marketing website continues to grow, so do you as a marketer. Products that are popular and have a lot of sales are excellent choices, too.
You will try to find ways to track your business and how people are buying. Again, with affiliate marketing, once you send someone to a website that you are promoting, you lose all trackability of that visitor. Finally, the one question that comes up rather often is: "Isn't affiliate marketing too competitive?" The answer is both yes and no.
Yes, affiliate marketing is competitive, no doubt about that. Is it TOO competitive? First of all, I am here and I make money in some of the most competitive markets on the internet (and I've been doing this for only about a year). Secondly, the world wide web is a VERY BIG PLACE! You really only need to be able to reach an extremely small fraction of the internet public to be VERY successful.
Finally, being successful is about being better than everyone else. If you are persistent, provide good content, look moderately professional and work on building traffic to your website, any market can be tapped, no matter how competitive it is. Where to begin? I always recommend that anyone who wants to do affiliate marketing should get them-self a good eBook or program on how to learn the fundamentals.
About the Author:
Fast Cash
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Search Engines: What Do They Really Want

At Last! Uncover What
The Search Engines Really Want

- At The Click Of A Button...
Take the guesswork out of your article writing, content creation and website building and give the SE spiders the food that they can't resist.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Twitterpated: Why People Love Twitter
What is Twitterpated? In the Disney movie 'Bambi' twitterpated meant you were dazed and confused when you became lovestruck. Many of us today are a little lovestruck when it comes to Twitter. Just ask Ashton Kutcher with 3,544,710 followers, and counting. But a lot of us are still confused on how Twitter actually works when it comes to making money.
How do we make money with Twitter? The idea behind Twitter is to gain followers that will go to your website and purchase your products or click on your adsense ads. I think the majority of folks have something to sell, but that is my opinion. Why do they use Twitter? If you are able to get 50 people a day to come to your website, just imagine if you were able to tell all your Twitter followers who may be interested in your products or services. That's why its important to get as many followers as possible. Twitter has many other applications to acquire followers than their website alone. There is Tweetdeck, for example.
There are many eBooks on the web that will help you understand how and why Twitter works. The following eBook "The Ultimate Guide to Success with Twitter" states:
Regardless what your niche market is, or what products and services you are offering, there are thousands of targeted customers on Twitter waiting for to receive your message. Within just a few short minutes, you could start building massive lists of targeted subscribers, or flood your websites and blogs with an unstoppable flood of traffic!
Twitter is amazing for your business! It’s a great way to catch up with friends in your niche, get your name out there, and generate business. No matter what your niche is, there is a way for you to use Twitter to generate business and traffic.
Download More Information About 'The Ultimate Guide to Success with Twitter': CLICK HERE
Twitter is not all about sales. Now, as you know, building a sales pipeline is about establishing long-term relationships and trust. Developing your Twitter profile is about establishing that ground work and getting people to engage with you.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Privacy Policy
Make Cash for Blondes Welcomes You

Welcome to Make Cash for Blondes. If you want to make a little or a lot of cash on the side there are a number of ways to do it either online or at home. If you are planning on making money online, one idea is setting up a blog or website and affix Google advertisers through their program Google AdSense. They will pay you when someone that visits your site clicks on an advertisement or when you get enough page impressions to generate income. You don’t need money to start up a blog or get Google AdSense and it is pretty easy to setup.
The best and easiest blog site is through You can also create a website using About a year ago I starting blogging and after a few easy steps you can create a blog and make cash 24/7. Once your blog or website is established, you need to setup an account with Google AdSense. There are choices with size, font and color for the ad you want, Google AdSense will provide the code you will need to add to your site (s).
Making cash with Google AdSense saves you the hassle of selecting the ads you want displayed because Google automatically scans your content and finds relevant ads. For example if your site or niche (see definition below) is about pottery you will have ads about pottery. Now you have your blog set up with ads that are relevant to your site, so what’s next? Traffic…you need people to come to your site to click on the ads.
There are many ways to drive traffic to your site. Many people get traffic from forums, social sites, popular keywords searches and engine optimization, just to name a few. Once your account reaches $100.00 your payment will be made directly into your personal bank account.
To make cash with Google AdSense is just one way you can make extra money. If you need additional information regarding; setting up a blog through Blogger, Google AdSense or generating traffic for your site…post a comment here or email me:
Download Cash Cow Guide to AdSense Wealth
Now we have a list of terms that we can begin to work with if we are looking at website traffic as a possible niche. Website traffic is still pretty broad and has a lot of competition with over 65 million competing pages listed in google.